Natal Plum. The ‘Boxwood Beauty’ Natal Plum has luscious deepgreen large leaves set off with brightwhite star shaped fragrant flowers During and following blossoming edible rubyredcolored fruits appear Unlike its other Carissa counterparts ‘Boxwood Beauty’ is notably compact and nearly thornless making it a great choice for borders and near walkways.
Boxwood Beauty Natal Plum Desert Horizon Nursery from
Natal plum ( Carissa macrocarpa or C grandifolia) blooms mainly in summer and sporadically all year long so that throughout most of the year you’ll have both flowers and pretty little red fruit present on the shrub The starlike flowers are about 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter and have thick waxy petals.
Natal Plum Bonsai Trees LMB
Natal plum or large numnum as it is also known is a thorny ornamental shrub from the Apocynaceae (dogbane) family Carissa macrocarpa is a woody evergreen with a dense and rounded growth form and many branches This plant reaches a maximum height of about 13 feet (39m) and nearly as wide.
Carissa (Natal plum) facts and health benefits
Natal plum is a strong and moderately fast growing plant which tolerates almost any abuse This showy plant is native to South Africa and can be grown under almost any conditions (except freezing cold) When grown under optimum conditions of high heat and humidity growth is extremely rapid and the rooting of cuttings an almost sure success.
Temperature During summer season or when the temperature is above 45°C place the plant in shaded area During winter season or the when the temperature is below 45°C the plants can be directly placed in direct/indirect sunlight Fertilizer Apply liquid fertilizer or slow release fertilizer once in 15 days.
Boxwood Beauty Natal Plum Desert Horizon Nursery
NATAL PLUM – Green Barn Farm
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Carissa Natal Plum Bush (Large numnum): Grow and Care
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Tomlinson Natal Plum Monrovia
NATAL PLUM The Diggers Club
Natal Plum Care Bonsai Outlet
Garden macrocarpa Dave’s Natal Plum Carissa
Natal Plums Information, Recipes and Facts
Molecules Free FullText CoIngestion of Natal Plums
Buy Natal Plum Fruit Trees in Australia (Carissa grandiflora)
Horizon Nursery Boxwood Beauty Natal Plum Desert
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and Emerald Blanket Plum, Boxwood Beauty Carissa Natal
Carissa macrocarpa Wikipedia
Carissa Plant Care Information On Growing A Natal Plum Bush
What Is a Natal Plum? (with picture) wiseGEEK
Carissa macrocarpa also known as Natal plum big numnum Amatungulu and grootnoemnoem is native to South Africa and is also planted in some parts of America It is a member of the Dogbane or Apocynaceae family Fruit can be eaten fresh or can also be cooked People enjoy the Carissa fruit raw or in jellies jams pies and sauces.