Membran V Force 4. HC ‘Royal Air Force (Valiant Aircraft)’ Callery v Gray (No 2) [2001] 4 All ER 1 F v Leeds City Council [1994] 2 FCR 428 Brown v Board of Education (1954) 347 US 483 In the example above All ER = All England Law Reports FCR = Family Court Reports and US = United States Reports Note Short footnotes should just use the names ie Callery v Gray Dates can.
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Remembrance Day Wikipedia
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Remembrance Day (also known as Poppy Day owing to the tradition of wearing a remembrance poppy) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth member states since the end of the First World War to honour armed forces members who have died in the line of duty Following a tradition inaugurated by King George V in 1919 the day is also marked by war remembrances.