Hasrows In Vb Net. Server=RaysSQLdatabasewindowsnet1433Initial Catalog=RaysTestPersist Security Info=FalseMultipleActiveResultSets=FalseEncrypt=TrueTrustServerCertificate=False First lets setup Azure SQL to allow access by a specific user To begin with you will need an app registration created ( since we will be connecting from code ) to allow the application to obtain.
Introduction When working with SQLServer databases in Windows Forms projects using conventional data providers like SystemData SqlClient to access tables a connection object is required with a wellformed connection string which may be stored in a string variable or a configuration file Depending on the developer connection strings can be written directly in.
c# convert from SqlDataReader to JSON Stack Overflow
I encounter use cases where the number of rows being returned by the data reader may become problematic with respect to memory consumption The following code uses a JsonWriter (from JSONNET) over a stream One can certainly debate the utility of enormous JSON documents but sometimes our use cases are dictated by others ) A few notes.
There Is Already An Open Datareader Reuse Or Dispose Db Connections Stack Overflow
C# Working with SQLServer connection TechNet Articles
How to use an access token to connect to an Azure SQL Database