Hasrows In Vb Net. Server=RaysSQLdatabasewindowsnet1433Initial Catalog=RaysTestPersist Security Info=FalseMultipleActiveResultSets=FalseEncrypt=TrueTrustServerCertificate=False First lets setup Azure SQL to allow access by a specific user To begin with you will need an app registration created ( since we will be connecting from code ) to allow the application to obtain.
There Is Already An Open Datareader Reuse Or Dispose Db Connections Stack Overflow from stackoverflow.com
Introduction When working with SQLServer databases in Windows Forms projects using conventional data providers like SystemData SqlClient to access tables a connection object is required with a wellformed connection string which may be stored in a string variable or a configuration file Depending on the developer connection strings can be written directly in.
c# convert from SqlDataReader to JSON Stack Overflow
I encounter use cases where the number of rows being returned by the data reader may become problematic with respect to memory consumption The following code uses a JsonWriter (from JSONNET) over a stream One can certainly debate the utility of enormous JSON documents but sometimes our use cases are dictated by others ) A few notes.
There Is Already An Open Datareader Reuse Or Dispose Db Connections Stack Overflow
C# Working with SQLServer connection TechNet Articles
How to use an access token to connect to an Azure SQL Database