Gulp Browser Sync Port. A note from someone looking for true livereload this is not actually a livereload for the server this is an automatic restart which is a very different thingThis solution kills the node process and the starts a new process that happens to run on the same port If someone is logged into the server or the server itself is authed for some external API this solution will not offer.
Using Browsersync For Debugging Your Localhost Ahmad Nassri from Ahmad Nassri
httpproxy options The following options are provided by the underlying httpproxy library optiontarget url string to be parsed with the url module optionforward url string to be parsed with the url module optionagent object to be passed to http(s)request (see Node’s https agent and http agent objects) optionssl object to be passed to httpscreateServer().
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Browsersync options These are all the options that you can configure when using Browsersync Create a single object and pass it as the first argument (for GulpJS and normal API usage) If you’re using Grunt you can still use all of these options but you need to provide them as detailed in the Browsersync Grunt Documentation.
httpproxymiddleware npm
If you have a packagejson file for your app you can omit the main script entirely and nodemon will read the packagejson for the main property and use that value as the app () nodemon will also search for the scriptsstart property in packagejson (as of nodemon 11x) Also check out the FAQ or issues for nodemon Automatic rerunning nodemon was originally written to.
Escaping in JSON with Backslash realguess
disable vEthernat NAT adapter solved the problem(it is a solution but not the best) my question is why browsersync still trying to access 0000 in order to listen all possible ip after i specify the host in this case i expect browsersync only listen localhost3001.
Using Browsersync For Debugging Your Localhost Ahmad Nassri
node.js How to serve an image using nodejs Stack Overflow
Browsersync options
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