Error Transition Superseded. Transition superseded means that there was a transition #1 started and it hasn’t yet completed While it was running a new transition #2 was also started Transition #2 supersedes Transition #1 The promise for the transition is rejected with the message “Error Transition Superseded” so you know the original transition is now aborted.
transition superseded 07102016 2002 I bought a SkySports month pass last Friday and a week later I am STILL getting this message when I try and log into NOWTV on my telly I think I hve had one decent nights run of watching SKYSPORTS in 1 week Absolutely abysmal and the Live Chat agents don’t have a clue how to deal with this message.
The library is not supported with this version Angular 161 Router ui 042 Error transition superseded at y [as $get] (http//localhost63342/mangleWeb/dist/bundle.
redirectTo causing The transition has been superseded …
Error transition superseded at $StateProvider$get (http//1270019000/bower_components/angularuirouter/release/angularuirouterjs290342) at Objectinvoke (http//1270019000/bower_components/angular/angularjs486219) at http//1270019000/bower_components/angular/angularjs465637 at getService.
Sequential transition errors in minified version 0.4.2
Some console errors when running `gulp` · Issue #13
AngularJS and UIRouter: ‘Error: transition superseded
upon starting up · Issue #16 Errror: transition superseded
I have completed the tutorial but when I login or register I am getting transition superseded error Also because of this the application is not able to fetch.